Loïc M. Déjardin, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
ACVS Symposium Equine and Small Animal Proceedings
October 1, 2002
Loïc M. Déjardin, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Loïc M. Déjardin, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
2002 ACVS Veterinary Symposium Equine and Small Animal Proceedings
Small Animal Seminar
Orthopedic New Procedures – New Concepts Track
Keywords: Cruciate ligament failure, tibial ostetomies, biomechanics, orthopedic
Over the last 50 years, extra- and intra-articular techniques have been devised to restore joint stability secondary to CrCL rupture. Regardless of the technique, 85 to 90% of good to excellent results have been reported, despite the inability of either type of procedure to consistently maintain long term stifle stability, stop arthritis progression and prevent secondary meniscal tears. In an attempt to circumvent these limitations, a new approach to CrCL rupture has been introduced with the tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) procedure. Unlike previous approaches, TPLO does not attempt to stabilize the joint throughout its range of motion (ROM), but rather provides functional stability during weight bearing by reducing the cranial tibial thrust (CrTT).
Effects of Tibial Plateau Leveling on Stifle Biomechanics
Rupture of the CrCL occurs when the tensile strength of the CrCL has been overcome as a result trauma and/or degenerative CrCL weakening. The stifle joint reaction force magnitude dependents on the combination of ground reaction forces (GRF) and muscle forces generated during the gait cycle and largely exceeds body weight, thus inducing high stresses on passive restraints such as the CrCL. Because of the tibial plateau slope orientation, tibial compression (during weight bearing or tibial compression test) generates a cranially oriented shear force that induces cranial tibial translation in CrCL deficient stifles. This shear force, the cranial tibial thrust (CrTT), is in part opposed by the CrCL. Accordingly, it has been suggested that CrTT magnitude depends on GRF magnitude and is likely amplified by greater tibial plateau slope angles (TPA). In a recent study, the mean TPA of dogs with CrCL rupture was significantly greater (by only 5.7°) than the mean TPA of dogs with intact CrCL. Considering the wide variation in natural TPA in both humans and dogs, and the influence of radiographic technique in TPA measurements, future prospective studies may be needed to confirm this data. Similarly, the influence of the knee flexors in protecting the CrCL has been suggested. Feeble flexors may be overpowered by the knee extensors, which could increase the CrCL contribution in preventing cranial tibial translation.
The actual mechanism by which tibial plateau leveling (TPL) provides functional stifle stability under load was recently investigated in vitro. The study demonstrated 1) that TPL stabilizes CrCL deficient stifles by converting CrTT into caudal tibial thrust (CaTT), making stifle stability depending on CaCL integrity, and 2) that CaCL strains increases with the magnitude of correction in cranial tibial plateau slope angle. This in turn may predispose the CaCL to fatigue failure. That study also showed that tibial plateau leveling is not necessary to restore functional stifle stability (the mean minimal tibial rotation angle providing stifle stability was 6.5° smaller than the mean pre-operative TPA). Because tibial plateau over-rotation increases CaCL stress, this smaller angle may represent the optimal angle of tibial plateau rotation providing joint stability in CrCL deficient stifles, while sparing the CaCL from excessive strains. This agrees with a recent report recommending that the tibial plateau rotation angle be 5° smaller than the original pre-operative TPA.
Pre-operative Measurement of the Tibial Plateau Angle
Measurement of the TPA is performed on lateral radiographs of the limb centered on the stifle joint. Radiographs should include the tibio-tarsal joint. A line joining the cranial and caudal edges of the medial tibial condyle materializes the tibial plateau slope. Next, the tibial functional axis is established from the center of the tibial plateau to the center of the talocrural joint. The TPA is the angle between the tibial slope and the perpendicular to the tibial functional axis.
Surgical Technique
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy: The following is a limited description of this patented surgical procedure. After routine anesthesia, joint exploration and CrCL debridement is conducted via a limited arthrotomy or arthroscopy. When appropriate, medial meniscal release is recommended to prevent secondary post-operative meniscal damages. The medial and caudal aspects of the proximal tibia are exposed through careful muscle retraction. A specialized patented armamentarium (Slocum Enterprises, Eugene OR), including a tibial jig and bi-radial saw blades, is then used to create a proximal tibial crescentic osteotomy. Saws of different diameters (24mm to 60mm) may be used to accommodate for a wide range of sizes of the proximal tibial metaphysis, without compromising the integrity of the tibial tuberosity. The orientation of the osteotomy may vary to address tibial torsional alignment as well as valgus or varus deformities according to pre-operative clinical and radiographic evaluation. The magnitude of the tibial plateau rotation is based on pre-operative TPA measurement. The TPA is converted into a chord length using the following formula: C = 2R(sin[a/2]), where C is the length of the chord intercepted by an angle a equal to the measured TPA, and R is the radius of the saw. Experimentally, a post-operative TPA of 6.5° was sufficient to provide stifle stability, while limiting excessive stresses on the CaCL (currently, the actual angle of tibial rotation recommended clinically is such that the post-operative TPA is 5°). Once the chord length corresponding to the TPA has been computed, matching reference marks can be etched on either side of the osteotomy line. The proximal tibial fragment is then rotated until the reference marks are aligned. Using a specially designed patented plate (Slocum Enterprises, Eugene OR) the tibial fragments are stabilized in the desired relationship. Routine closure in layers, including the arthrotomy, concludes the procedure.
Cranial Tibial Wedge Osteotomy: Since the TPLO is a patented procedure not readily available, this proceeding includes a description of the cranial tibial wedge osteotomy (CTWO), an early (not patented) version of this technique. The procedure is conducted as described above, until the tibial osteotomy step. Using a protractor, a tibial wedge (opening cranially) is etched immediately below the medial aspect of the tibial crest, then removed with a bone saw. The wedge angle equals the preoperative TPA reduced by 5° or 6° (e.g. ~ 20° for a preoperative TPA of 25°). The tibial fragments are then stabilized with a 2.7mm or 3.5mm, 6 or 7-hole DCP placed over the medial tibial surface. Careful contouring and pre-stressing are necessary to ensure proper limb alignment and fragment compression especially on the lateral surface. Routine closure in layers concludes the procedure.
Although CTWO is meant to neutralize the CrTT, and therefore should prevent cranial tibial subluxation under loading conditions, the relative effectiveness of this procedure vs. TPLO and its effect on CaCL stresses have yet to be reported. The long-term clinical outcome of CTWO was recently evaluated. Interestingly, the percentage of good/excellent results was 86%, which compares with reported results of more traditional intra-or extra-articular procedures. Complications however, were potentially more serious including tibial fracture and implant failure in 5% of the cases. One of the reported advantages of CTWO is faster return to weight bearing and performance despite a distinct tendency for post-operative stifle hyperextension. Unlike TPLO, the CTWO alters the normal femoro-patellar joint relationship, potentially causing patella baja unless the stifle is hyperextended. The clinical relevance of chronic stifle hyperextension after CWTO has yet to be determined.
Postoperative Management
Patients are discharged within 24 hours of surgery and post-operative pain is managed with NSAIDS as needed. Strict in-house confinement, along with short leash walks is recommended until radiographic evidence of clinical union. As with any other joint surgery, implementation of a controlled post-operative rehabilitation regimen is recommended to hasten recovery. Such protocols include passive ROM and stretching exercises, massage, as well as local application of heat and/or ultrasound. Similarly, swimming promotes muscle function and joint ROM. In order to address potential post-operative complications in a timely manner routine radiographic evaluation should be scheduled on a monthly basis until healing of the osteotomy site.
The TPLO procedure is somewhat more challenging than traditional procedures and may result in intra-operative complications including, popliteal artery laceration, iatrogenic fibular fracture, and intra-articular placement of the most proximal plate screw. Accurate tibial plateau correction is mandatory to prevent long-term complications. Indeed, while under-correction will fail to provide adequate postoperative joint stability, over-rotation may increase the risk of CaCL injury. Because such complications may be difficult to address, great attention should be paid to pre-operative TPA measurement as well as to intra-operative technical details. As with any osteosynthesis, postoperative complications include implant failure, non-union or mal-union and osteomyelitis. Other TPLO-related complications may be more challenging and include tibial crest fractures, patellar fracture, rotary instability and patellar luxation.
Anticipated Outcome
To date, most anecdotal reports have emphasized the rapid return to pre-injury limb function after TPLO. Based on subjective evaluations, functional recovery appears somewhat faster after TPLO than with other cruciate ligament procedures. Toe touching is usually observed within 2 weeks after surgery, followed by rapid improvement of limb function by 2 months. In a recent prospective clinical trial comparing TPLO and extra-articular techniques at 6 months, TPLO consistently yielded subjectively better outcomes for all parameters evaluated, including time to recovery, ROM, dog’s ability to sit normally, and postoperative complications. The effect of TPLO on limb function has been evaluated using force plate analysis. In contrast to previous clinical reports, no differences in peak vertical force at 2 and 6 months were found between intra-articular, extra-articular and TPLO techniques, suggesting no clear superiority of any procedure in restoring limb function. Reportedly, one of the most significant advantages of the TPLO procedure resides in its ability to control, unlike any other procedure before, the long-term progression of DJD. Additional comparative clinical studies are needed to confirm this remarkable observation.
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